
by Jesse Sorrell

Sorcha McNamara, Caramel, oil and chalk on laminate, 19.69 x 39.4 inches, 2021. Courtesy of the artist.


Jesse Sorrell | June 2024 | Issue 34

You are beginning & ending. 

The world is a sigh on your shoulder. In the sigh there is an owl. Her yellow a light in the night of your life. Her talon pulsing to the rhythm of your breath. Your breath clawing in and out in and out. The feather weight of her body sinking yours a breath deeper into the earth. You feel from the inside out the edges of your body rising from the earth. You could be a cave, a black hole, something unnamed. You could be a bear deep in the soil green earth of hibernation. You could be anything, you could be everything, you could be nothing. You are tinder waiting for the red flame. A whale waiting blue in song. You are alone but you are not. You are on the shore. 

The sun is rising in the east.

The head of the sun is crowning
toward the stars. The stars are zipping into dawn 
becoming eyelids painted shut. The moon is returning
to a cave of butterflies. The clouds are white strands of color 
swallowing each other whole. White is the cloud is the tissue of the eye. 

Your eyes are going to flame.
 Your ruby-studded irises. 
      Your pupils dilating 
to the churn of

                            The sun is shouldering above the horizon. 

The ocean is a field of diamonds in the coral light.
The sun has a mouth with the tongue of a lizard. 
The tongue is spiraling from the horizon toward you,
parting the sea. Red. The lizard’s tongue is fire
through water, pronging your skin, slipping between
your ribs, searing your chest wall, uncoiling poetry like
snakes on fire in the second chamber of your fire-ferned heart.

I am joining you on the shore.

We are beginning & ending 
together. Why have
humans storied a god  
who stops creating?

I want the eighth day.

In the beginning was the word &
the word was with the ending
& the word was

This is not hell.
This is a poem.

when I say I miss you I mean 
I don’t know my name
I am a child on the shoulder
of the earth reaching for 
the sun

Write to me from the beginning.
I am responding from the end.
My body has become a voice of fern
calling to you from ash and spiral
beneath the shadow of the sun.
All the light is black pulsing red.

In the dark an apple is fire red.
The skin is a molten beginning
with the flesh of a golden sun.
The seeds were planted at the end
of time by the hand of a spiral.
Nothing but the laughter of fern.

The memory of life grows fern.
I am taking a bite of this red
apple with the seeds of a spiral.
I am melting into the beginning
before I have even tasted the end.
Some stopped worshiping the sun.

Planets are listening round the sun
gathering bodies of star and fern
are amused because the end
is to bite through an apple’s red
skin releasing the beginning
from the ending back into spiral.

To say I miss you is a spiral
of meaning because the sun
does not reach the beginning
of my charred voice in a fern
spreading the air like a fire red
apple out-blossoming its end

which is to say in the end
in the I & in the you a spiral
is loosening language into red
dashes of light facing the sun
& scattering shadows of fern
sporing music into beginning. 

Write to me from the beginning.
The only thing to know is a fern
is laughing its way to the sun.

every name begins in the dark

In the black light is a pulse of red. 
From beyond the shadow of the sun
my voice is calling through a spiral
of flame and the bodies of fern. 
I am writing from the beginning. 
Respond to me from the end. 

In the quiver of the beginning
the everything whorled from a red
light beating from its every end  
into a circular burst of sun. 
To become with fire is to fern
all directions in shape and spiral.

The memory of fire is a spiral 
returning from the beginning
in a voice sounding through a fern. 
The pink sound is the sky of a red
gulp of air gathering light from the sun 
radiating life from its every end. 

I am imagining an end 
flaming into tongue and spiral
and I am unafraid because the sun
of my body is a beginning
unending desire in a blood red 
rush uncoiling me as a fern. 

The bones of animals are held in fern 
soft light extending beyond the end
of their bodies through their first red 
lunged swallow of air to spiral 
oxygen into blood into beginning 
into plasma into body of the sun. 

Humans will remember the sun. 
Fire will ravage the earth and the fern
will return first like a voice beginning
the breath of animals at the end 
of our lives firing a spiral
from clay to star to child to red. 

In the beginning the light is red
and the red is a flaming spiral 
& the spiral is the voice without end. 


when I open my mouth
to say your name
I am drinking  

close your eyes 

hear the ocean

travel beneath

your breath


than the sex of you


the fur & soil of you


  a   quickening    




a coil of 

scarlet light unfurling

as a fern 


                                                                   bone dry clay


glowing the cave
of your rib cage







neck         lacing


you could be a sun bear 

 the becoming
of lava
in your throat

        to remake
        the earth

the melt 
of power 
& nations 

your whole body 
a cathedral
of stained glass

radiating all 
color through 
white clouds

brutality swallowing itself 

your head is full of stars 
the moon is cocooned in the center 
of your skull   the heat rising through your body 
could unmake a galaxy   your tongue is nuclear with fusion & name
your cheeks are pocketing magma   you are drooling neon lava  
your teeth are uncoiling a light sparking into flame 
a white flame is ferning from your mouth to the horizon 

     the red of your tongue     is parting the sea 

the sun
is reaching 
for the bodies
of whales 
falling to 
the ocean floor 

like families, 
women & 
children on fire 

in           the          air 

    a    bird       unknown     to    land 

is      spreading    her     wings 

in         poem 

white flame is barreling over the horizon 


                              open your eyes

                              the sun is risen 


Jesse Sorrell writes to listen between physical and subtle form. He offers spiritual care in community-based, pediatric hospice & palliative care, bereavement, and other therapeutic settings. He lives surrounded by trees and animals in Chapel Hill, NC and is often found in water. His writing is thrilled to make home in KHÔRA.

Sorcha McNamara works as a painter, or more accurately as a maker of things. But even ‘maker’ isn’t really the right word. It’s too organic, too suggestive of the handmade, or the nobility of a craft. Instead, she is more of a conductor, a composer — the person in front of the orchestra waving their arms about, whose function and purpose you may question, but you know they are important for the stability of the whole piece.

Based in the West of Ireland, Sorcha holds an MA in Art + Research Collaboration from Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology (2024), and a BA in Painting from Limerick School of Art & Design (2019). Her works have been exhibited in Ireland and internationally, in Tokyo, Lisbon and London. She has previously been selected for residencies at Totaldobze Art Centre, Riga (supported by Ormston House, Limerick and the Artist-Run Network Europe project, 2022); JOYA AiR, Almeria (2022); Tangent Projects, Barcelona (2021); and PADA Studios, Lisbon (2020). Her practice is supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.

Guest Collaborator