MAR 2022 / ISSUE 14


Cantilevered #53 — Teetering

by Nanette Carter

In the past two years I’ve been working on three series simultaneously that reflect the zeitgeists of our time. They include…

Children of the Sun

by Lorena Hernández Leonard

I remember feeling the blood pulsating in my head as I held Katerina closer to me, keeping my eyes focused on the man…


by Sage Ravenwood

Everyone’s blood runs red Redskin, redneck
One has skin unlike mine not russet
Place the check mark beside: Other…


by Amy Estes

I am told that I was a happy child, and I believe it. Even now, when I feel myself drifting out to sadness, I recall one of the…


by Tammy Heejae Lee

The first time I saw the cards, my mother was sitting at a picnic table with two other Korean mothers from church, with her back…

Thus Spake Safia Elhillo

by Bazeed

say something to me in arabic / mixed with water my border dulls /that blue becomes me / & i get lost in wanting…