JULY 2023 / ISSUE 25



by Anne Gudger

I’m Annie, I said, and the blondes and brunettes bobbed their heads Go on. We’re listening.
My husband died in a car accident….

Charles River Gemstone

by Bec Bell-Gurwitz

Susana flashed back to the desert, a hard battery on her tongue leaking in little shocks, her body prone in the dirt. Thinking of this, Susana shivered…

Lost Mountain

by Anuradha Prasad

There is the sound I love. Water beckoning. The water swings over the cliff like a frayed braid of hair, white and foamy. I can catch its misty spray…

Summer Song IV

by Anna Reeser

“Oh, Catherine,” she said. Her face cascaded through expressions, settled on tentative eyebrows of concern. “I’m so sorry. Miscarriage is so common…

holding each other

by Dey Rivers

a sweet scent of hollow reeds and salt caresses the air. i stop struggling in wet flattening grasses. a Kyn? neh, a Junga, with dark eyes to match…

The Bridge of Estador

by Neil Dreibelbis

My work is motivated by the life experiences I encounter through a close observation of humanity and nature and a curiosity and need for…