OCT 2023 / ISSUE 28


Marvin Gaye for President

by Donnelle McGee

like us beautiful
& complicated…

American Education

by Leila C. Nadir

Madinah pulled up her tumban. “Look at this.” She pointed her toes and showed me her calves, and oh my, I was not ready for what I saw. Just one week before…


by aureleo sans

To me, he’s a celestial aerodynamic body. His body streamlined, striated edges engineered for flight one day. A heavy metal body. I’m not talking about…


by Heidi Biggs

The smaller roads come with less traffic but more dogs. As I got going, not far in, I was confronted by a loose pack. A man leaned out of a passenger side window…

We and Crows

by Kate Finegan

You say two crows is an attempted murder. 
For years after a research team wore masks 
for banding, crows scolded and dive-bombed…

Hel and Her Kin

by Lara Vesta

Much of my inspiration is mythic, rooted in ancient lifeways and earth-based spiritual practices long forgotten. Myths and art become a tool for…