JUNE 2024 / ISSUE 34


The crack in my armor

by Michael Nagle

“Who fucks who?” — The bumper sticker for horny queers and high intensity spiritual seekers alike, the crystalline crescendo of expanded consciousness pulsing through you like the mechanics...


by Jesse Sorrell

The world is a sigh on your shoulder. In the sigh there is an owl. Her yellow a light in the night of your life. Her talon pulsing to the rhythm…

This is a Blanket

by Deborah Stein

Ritual is important to societies but I am the only society in the room so I make the ritual. The candles lit, a small meal, just the two of us, me and my body. The moon rises quickly…

dervish; wolf 3

by Melissa Leto

you never forget the first time you’re prismed. the after wave can go years: have you ever felt like that?like someone’s hand transcended your flesh…

Part 3: Nadine's Consensual Home Invasion

by Swati Sudarsan

Athena, woman of science, normally so stoic she could be made of porcelain, twitched. Her cheeks flushed and her teeth gnashed in a way…

I Spy

by Jane Demarest

Similar to how I feel, my characters do not have set gender expressions. Occasionally, I will use names or some kind of gender markers…