AUG 2024 / ISSUE 36


Strawberry Lipgloss

by Marisa Cadena

It’s been over twenty years now and with each passing year, the beginning of the story changes. New smells, sounds, and breezes emerge. Others get lost….

Gut Feeling

by Seth Lorinczi

Sometimes I wondered if I’d made a mistake leaving behind my friends in the punk scene, the music that gave my life meaning. Amidst the whirl of…

Lost in Midtown

by Jennifer Markert

hormones fade to zero, a single line, to “no.” 
Psychologically, “yes” was the lighthouse
and “maybe” was the wreckage….


by Aisha Ali

How could I have known then
That my happiness would cause her pain
That my misery would bring her joy…

Olympia Billiards

by Lena Rubin

I woke up, expecting Lucas to be at Mass, but instead he was just sitting on the edge of his bed in his formal outfit, his black patent leather shoes untied….

Please Leave A Message

by Ed Wolf

“Hi! This is Ed. Sorry I missed you. Please leave a message.” That’s what I finally came up with after eleven tries. Later that night, Bob called again….