dervish; wolf 4

by Melissa Leto

Melissa Leto, skull in bloom, digital photograph, 2024. Courtesy of the artist.

dervish; wolf 4

melissa Leto | July 2024 | Issue 35

Begin the series here.

dervish; wolf

feeling of the woman in the woods
thought of killing father
lived in her body
her skull on a plate
in a dusty cottage
the roots growing through two eye holes
into Triarch
a wild azure coat copper claws
elixir of moss once upon a
go fuck yourself devour
let the body wolf
let the body of a wolf come out
of the body of a woman
you know the smell all the better
cut through centuries into the marmalade
of them
Dervish could smell it on her



hallowed roots gnarling the face of
a cliff until spinning into stairs
leading their bodies to mother body
scent of ocean fur blood
walls alive
branches could weave
bioluminescent blinking of fireflies lacing
her walls
infused with the humidity of their
bodies magenta sun swirling salt
could be a fever a dream
Faa’s head in Dervish’s lap
eyes snap open Dervish fades
to vines ursa major
coma berenices what is safe?
a place to become
unbecome alchemize.


Melissa Leto, annointed by sap, digital photograph, 2024.



slip and drown don’t get too close
it’ll be your desire scent of honey
sweat grass blood so warm
you close your eyes around wanting
you fall in to prism
cocooned during the filtration process
let the body fall out of its namings
imagine the symbiosis
all we ever needed to become
was ourselves
through the body of a plant
growing into the body of Triarch
suctioned like snails
the world was not fully burning down.
there was still time.


hemlock; rabbits

the first rope was braided by the branches
of Triarch from the original hemlock
buffet for the rabbits came before us
ate their way through the forest
to a plate in a cottage
for a girl      what?           can’t you
believe in a collective sacrifice
for the body of a girl?

it was happening throughout
what used to be cottages
saplings sprouting up under window sills
for someone like Faa          then rabbits
and then she would stroke them
hands through fur
nothing soft as fingers forking rabbit fur
until they were ready
for the stewing pot



left for Faa  who knew immediately
what to do with the pull of it
a girl like that          you’d have to be stupid
not to smell the wolf not to see
them prism              the way the vines slid
through their hands Triarch braided
hemlock into rope for a girl in a fever
a dream       maybe she became wolf
maybe came in from the woods
with a skull in their mouth
        knew how many knots
        how many diamonds
didn’t need anyone else’s hands
once she realized     could suspend there
butterfly harness      moon tie
eyes snap open        dissolve
                      ursa major

Melissa Leto, pulling vines, digital photograph, 2024. Courtesy of the artist.



the vines of Triarch brighter than   Boötes             Lynx            O —
diamonds glowing and swelling     imprints lime           imprints aqua          royal
collar           breast           the knotted spine salved

  it’s almost autumn

  it’s barely summer

  i’m taking away from story

  i can be done with story

  neither of us can be done.
  you know that. you’re tied to triarch.
  you know better than to want the salt of my body
  more than the ropes of our hands

  what is better than?

  where do we savor?

  open your mouth

  hold out your hands



the room might as well be a terrarium
the way light refracts off their bodies
how their shadows woman and wolf
and water and snap and other
how easy it is for the shadow
to admire the prism’s refraction
hasn’t anyone ever felt that for you?
entranced by your fragmentation?

desire beyond body through body
look.    what it does.    to our bodies.
        you  never forget the first time
        unzip   break   frame
        have you ever felt like that?
climbing ropes or braids until
coma berenices       pooling memory out



inside a cottage there is dust on the table and on the table is a plate
and on the plate is the head of a girl   woman           wolf              other
skulled            blooming from her eye holes are tree roots             cypress

before her body was plated,                braised
apricot            orange          mango         mint             salt   bay leaf
alchemy of seasons    hibiscus from shoulders, jasmine tendrilling her flanks

she thought of fucking the story     in that way  in that very bad way
bad as a wolf                   with a mouth could unhinge for desire
she was the skull and she was fucking the skull and you can stop reading now

if it’s too much—
her head was plated                her body fragmented, parceled, around a table
her cunt was brined             salt         lemon        juniper         rose

                                her legs were open under the table
her cunt a cornucopia pouring blue jay feathers        ursa major      moss plums   marigold
she wanted to stand up from the table           take her head off the plate, her body too heavy


Melissa Leto, diving madness, digital photograph, 2024. Courtesy of the artist.



Dervish’s copper claws
lynx              sirius           draco
after their shadows  stretch          wave            rope

Dervish takes off her claws
and honeycombs her fingers
she knows bees since first hive
each finger dipped in manuka
harvested for seasons          centuries      star memory of nourish

what was Faa supposed to do—
watching her lick the blood
from her hands


aldrovanda vesiculosa

Dervish’s wingspan           holy trees
the first time Faa saw her alchemize
waterwheel those limbs
into seven whorls                the speed
        what land could never give her
        but land knew to need her
she couldn’t root    
well, the state of it all required
filtration through more mouths
        than Nepenthes
        than wolves
        and rabbits
Dervish whirling the waterways
        could snag an intruder
        or filter the everlingering toxicity
        from  the rivers     lakes    oceans
what did you think would happen?
dolphins all of a sudden
once people off the streets—
                                          don’t be insane.



in another dream Faa had to choose herself over everyone even a child
if you can imagine the worst thing a woman can do is choose herself over a child
the entire world sinking, an island of them sinking, everyone running into sky

she saw what no one else could see: a great distance away, a red balloon, drifting

madness and fervor drove them into the water they could float       on one another
they didn’t care whose stories sank              knowing time          revealed every bone
she only knew         the promised sensation of reaching beyond what she could touch

like in other dreams, she had to decide before waking who was worth saving

herself                         herself                        themselves themselves
like in other dreams    they had to decide               before waking         who was worth saving
herself                         themselves                            herself                         themselves

sweet alchemy you thought she’d sacrifice her body?       
                                    this is not the story you think it is   in case you can’t see: there
is the fucking door. she found the highest point             leapt from the cliffside for the balloon

could see a great shadow wheeling through the water       as every human sound faded into sea


Melissa Leto, restoried by trees, digital photograph, 2024. Courtesy of the artist.


Dervish waterwheels up the stairs to Faa.
Faa opens her mouth and releases butterflies.
Dervish commands the position of Faa’s knees.
Faa says yes says please says bleeding says please more.

Dervish claws her like a wolf.
Faa crawls into her snap trap.
drawbridge of Dervish’s jaw releasing every knot.
Faa’s mouth to                        i’m sorry         what do you need to witness them saying?

Dervish speechless.
Faa out of breath.
Dervish didn’t know what to do next.
Faa couldn’t bear being suspended.

there are too many stories pouring out at once

what are you scared of?

 i think it’s obvious

faa’s smile: flint

 everything on your plate

dervish’s mouth: opening

 longest taste of us



you’re spinning       let me steady you.
once upon a forest   a girl wandered deep into the veil
of green led by        the sound of rabbits    following wing
spans of blue jays           she was not bringing cake or wine
to a sick, feeble       grandmother.   her basket full of ropes
on her way to eat     what you idiots call crone   alive
she knew the path   because she walked it barefoot and stopped
to taste the straw-    berry ponderosas and lick the honey off
of rocks, her hands  full of berries, of course      her
tongue the taste of   pie,  rubbed herself with petals
every step of the way she sang a song went Dervish Dervish
a word spinning sugar along every wall of her body
whatever you want  it to be: veil door portal
new story filling



Dervish’s cape was made of ladybugs      a swarm of them
almost hurt your eyes                    of course she doesn’t prism into ladybugs
she has to do everything?                          waterwheeling isn’t enough? do you know how hard it is

to spin and spin and spin and spin            sometimes the pain of it needed release
                                                                  sometimes hold out your hands         palms up
sometimes ten more sometimes               do       not   make            a      sound

scent               iron  honey                 elixir of her cunt swollen
your jaw will dislocate, i promise             unless you wolf
you won’t find your way to her core         unless you grow more mouths more teeth unless

the nectar of you
makes her lick her chops
unless she’s already reaching for you         from across the page


Melissa Leto, under knotted realms, digital photograph, 2024. Courtesy of the artist.


altar of their bodies lax
all the offerings       composted
Faa’s ritual:              Dervish

Faa dips her tongue in apricot oil, calendula
tangerine                  honey twisted into every hair of
her. Dervish             not suspended          has pooled
from the frame        an echo of cerulean
Faa infuses every imprint
        every aqua   royallemon  diamond
imprint         every swell  every knot
dips her tongue
        scrawls         thank you    thank you
all over Dervish’s body

scent of them cypress vulvic salt soil


infusing ropes

deepest bowl           emerald        seaglass       metallic
first the tender leaves of cypress, pine
drizzled with spring’s harvest of honey from bees kissed plum blossoms
dahlia fields after candying the peonies gold  dandelion wine, entire cup
leaves from fig        apple            oh honey
the parallels             thank you    thank you
a pine cone for every page              a small throbbing
piece of time compacted sandstonebasalt   lime
for every line, here  blue             tansy
here             holiest body            earth    earth
pulse across pages bioluminescent connected    alive
lay down here          let me pour over you the rest
water           water           honey          ropes
from my hands                    creamed vines infusing here
calling from every angle of forest in the rain song of black-throated
warblers       crow        violet-green swallows
their ringing every fiber here          deep breath
spruce          sandalwood             grapefruit     rose
mary            salt from the sea
of Dervish’s mouth
                      petals from under Faa’s tongue
        a sigh so deep
                                cores beginning

Melissa Leto, deepest bowl, digital photograph, 2024.

Melissa Leto makes art near the Salt River on Hohokam land in Arizona. Her/Their work has appeared in Bloody Funny Zine, Shrew Lit Magazine, Tom Maxedon’s Word! podcast, and Write On Downtown. Their wordmaking weaves joy, grief, and trauma while infusing the interconnectedness of alive things on planet earth with queer love in realms of hybridity. They have an MFA from Northern Arizona University, are the lead facilitator for literary arts non-profit Revisionary Arts, and an editor for Rinky Dink Press.

Guest Collaborator