The Witch's Camera
by Carmina Eliason
THE Witch’s Camera
Carmina Eliason | Jan 2025 | Issue 41
"Every time she tried to sketch what she saw in those strange dreams, the image changed. As soon as she captured part of a detail–a button, a viewfinder, a lens, or the things that rippled on its metal surfaces and came alive–the entire shape of the witch's camera transformed and eluded her again."
The Witch's Camera is a developing tale conjured through vignettes, offering a glimpse into a world where photography is beyond taking a picture.
Carmina Eliason is a Latinx artist and writer. When Carmina was a child, she believed that the stars were other countries, that she could point to a specific star, the one where her family lived, the one called Mexico. Today, she writes about viruses as ancestors, the sensuality of decomposition, and the magnolia tree that mothered her during her first years of parenthood. She teaches photography and visual storytelling and makes tiny baskets out of dandelion stems.