JAN 2025 / ISSUE 41
Birth Caoineadh
by Julie Lynn
Oh bruised star, hear me.
We the birthers carry
small fires into this world.
by Carrie Hansen
Does anyone driving notice the woman stretching, back-arching, visible from the freeway? These are the things my eyes are always scanning for…
The Witch's Camera
by Carmina Eliason
"Every time she tried to sketch what she saw in those strange dreams, the image changed. As soon as she captured part of a detail–a button, a viewfinder…
Deep Sedation
by Samantha Paige Rosen
Being put to sleep is loss of control. The moment your body becomes a body. The doctor assures me I will not want to be awake….
by Shannon Brazil
The first thing to know is I didn’t want to ruin the moment. You were inside of me and I wasn’t in pain so much as needing tenderness. One word, “gentle.”
Hard Surfaces
by Traci Cumbay
You’re not going to believe this next part: Being sensitive doesn’t mean you get to turn my crisis into a heavy chain you beat yourself with. So greedy…