When I hear someone talk about “the silver linings of cancer,” I am so immediately turned off by the framing that it’s made me wonder if I’m just disinterested…
Read MoreI was born with blood in the rice
I walked up the rice terraces one thousand times
I fed one million people with my thighs
It took me a week and a lifetime and an infinity to pick up the phone.
I told my therapist about the offer to join their family.
That they’d be willing to move to make it work.
“I think if they’re considering moving to include you,” he said, “you’re already part of the family.”
The message was clear.
Read Moredid you hear me clearly? the ocean has lost its teeth. we have no more mystery. the ground is all disco ball and everyone's ass is out. we are partying on graves...
Read MoreIn this year of facing your mortality, the same lesson etches itself deeper and deeper, again and again into your soul, everytime as if it was the first time. Death is real. That’s the lesson. Every time it scares you…
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